Let us send a loud and clear message we don’t want the Federal Government to take away our state’s control of the voting process. The states are responsible, by Constitutional Law to ensure that all United States Citizens have a fair and equal opportunity to vote. HR-1 takes that away! Sign up to take a stand against more big government!
As a voter, You must Demand that the Control of the Voting Process remain with the States!
The Constitution of the United States clearly places the power of the voting process in the control of the individual states. Article 1 Section. 4. The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
We the People of the United States are against the Legislative Bill HR 1
- It destroys the control of the states over their election processes.
- It makes false statements regarding state processes and uses those statements to take control!
- It allows people to register to vote by giving their last four digits of their social security number
- Removes most restrictions on vote-by-mail.
- Requires states to allow same day voter registration and voting, which does not allow time for validation.
- Restricts removal voters
One of many false statements used as their excuse:
(3) (A) Congress also finds that it has broad authority pursuant to section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment to legislate to enforce the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment, including its protections of the right to vote and the democratic process.As a result, Congress finds that it has the authority pursuant to section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment to protect the right to vote. Congress also finds that States and localities have eroded access to the right to vote through restrictions on the right to vote including excessively onerous voter identification requirements, burdensome voter registration procedures, voter purges, limited and unequal access to voting by mail, polling place closures, unequal distribution of election resources, and other impediments.
When your Congressional Representative is in Washington, D.C., all they hear from is their staff and the media. They are home now, and it is time they heard from the actual people they represent – YOU!
When your Congressional Representative is in Washington, D.C., all they hear from is their staff and the media. They are home now, and it is time they heard from the actual people they represent – YOU!
Email or Call your Senator and tell them you want them to say “NO” to HR-1!
Stop the HR-1 Bill from passing the Senate
This petition is now closed.
End date: Aug 01, 2021
Signatures collected: 18
Signature goal: 250
Signature goal: 250
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